brokenheart solution on psychologi spiritual

Brokenheart - I think no person that never find brokenheart at his life. you know we live at social environment that one people interactive to another. intentionally or unintentionally usually occur the events that led to brokenheart. so it is not always caused by our partner, it could be from our close friends, parents, until someone who had just met at a mosque or a trip. if you already have brokenheart, then what should be done?

the story of my brokenheart

what I tell here is consistent with my experience as they undergo severe phase of a broken heart with someone who i love her so much. People who are already so deep I love and I miss but really sucks she hurt me.

events occurred several years ago. I thank God today that I share the spiritual and psychological strategies that I use to solve my brokenheart my feelings of hurt that has been felt very minimal, not even tend to feel anymore.

Step by step to Healing from broken heart

the treatment process does not occur instantaneously. However, through the therapeutic process is quite long and requires our patience. I inform to you, I do not use one way only, but will try one of the few formulas that I read or recommended by people close to me. I used NLP strategic, SEFT therapy, EFT therapy, and islamic therapy.

at NLP term, i use the tecnique that we change our perception about people that heart us. If not false the technique called submodalities modification. We get solving from brokenheart by chane our inner perception about anything that make us feel broke. Then, I use SEFT (Spiritual Emotion Freedom Technique) to set up my heart to be "ikhlash". Seft therapy is inspiring from EFT therapy, but at SEFT there's contain spiritual term. Thanks to god, i can more freedom from first Attack of brokenheart.

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