Solusi dan Tips Menghadapi dispute buat seller Flippa dari Paypal

Blognya Anjrah - Sebagai seller barang digital (website), kita berada di posisi yang lemah bila buyer melakukan dispute paypal, berikut adalah langkah2 yang bisa dilakukan bila anda mendapat buyer scam

1. when pp ask for shipping info, write "Digital Product" in that box
2. below it provide all details like domain whois link, i am sure you know about it

and write such lines in the description:

"this product is digital good, delivered on internet online and there was no physical delivery involved of any kind, this auction url was (auction url) and the winner bidded and won a website there, it included domain and website contents and same are delivered to him by me on his hosting, once delivery is made, no guarantee of site working or any other quality because its digital"

3. write 3-4 more such lines emphasizing on digital and intangible products and prove the ownership change, if possible send them screenshot of your post sale discussion as another proof in digital products, pp is just concerned about the delivery -

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